Mount Sinai Wellness Center

Mount Sinai Blog

Why addiction isn’t a sign of failure

Even in 2021, there’s still a lot of stigma surrounding alcohol and drug addiction. Our scientific understanding of how addiction impacts the brain has improved, and our recovery centers’ methods of treating addiction have developed


Will rehab go on my permanent record?

Though millions of Americans suffer from some kind of addiction today—23.5 million, in fact—only 11 percent of them receive the treatment they need to get better. There are many reasons why someone wouldn’t seek treatment, though


Preparing yourself to enter addiction treatment

What to Know Before Entering Addiction Treatment Finally taking the first step toward recovery and entering into an addiction treatment program is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself. However, that doesn’t mean it’s


Recovery memoirs to inspire you

Everyone could use inspiration to help them reach their goals or simply get through their day-to-day life, whether it’s in the form of a motivational podcast or a pep talk from a close friend. If


Will I get medication in rehab?

At Mount Sinai Wellness Center, one of the questions we’re most commonly asked is whether we give our patients medication during their time with us. This is understandable, especially if people are worried about their


Drug free alternatives to manage pain

Making the decision to detox to treat your drug or alcohol addiction is a wonderful first step towards recovery, but many people are often scared about going through withdrawal. When the body goes through detoxification,


Miley Cyrus speaks out about relapsing in 2020

You may be familiar with the “Celebrities: They’re Just Like Us!” columns that various magazines publish depicting your favorite actors and singers doing everyday things like grabbing coffee or taking out the trash. However, celebrities