Mount Sinai Wellness Center

Mount Sinai Blog

Recovery memoirs to inspire you

Everyone could use inspiration to help them reach their goals or simply get through their day-to-day life, whether it’s in the form of a motivational podcast or a pep talk from a close friend. If


Will I get medication in rehab?

At Mount Sinai Wellness Center, one of the questions we’re most commonly asked is whether we give our patients medication during their time with us. This is understandable, especially if people are worried about their


Drug free alternatives to manage pain

Making the decision to detox to treat your drug or alcohol addiction is a wonderful first step towards recovery, but many people are often scared about going through withdrawal. When the body goes through detoxification,


What are the types of treatment for addiction?

From Detox to Support Groups When it comes to treatment, those looking to recover from drug and/or alcohol addiction have many different options. Treatment programs can be used together or separately and adjusted for each patient’s needs.